AISBackup: System requirements.

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 The time in Wales is: 11 February 2025 02:47:46

AISBackup Minimum Program Requirements and version differences.

Operating Systems:

AISBackup works with the following Microsoft Operating System's:

64-Bit Windows - no additional software required

Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP.
Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008.

32-Bit Windows

Some versions of Windows do not have 32-bit editions, this includes the upcoming Windows 11.

Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows 2000 client and server, Windows NT4 client and server, Windows ME, Windows 98SE, Windows 98 and Windows 95 (Release 1 and 2). Some earlier versions of Microsoft Windows Operating system's do not support all the features in AISBackup.

Minimum AISBackup version 6.0 build 504 is required to support Windows 11.


If your PC is running Windows then it will run AISBackup.

Disk Space Requirements:

  • The size of AISBackup  program and initial data files on disk after installation is just over 12mb.
  • AISBackup database files depend on the number of files and folders backed up as a rough guide:

    A backup of 120,000 files from a Windows XP Build

    • The backup contents database occupies 17.2 MB, this includes the Folder NTFS security settings (4.29 MB).
    • The size of the data to be backed up 23.59 GB occupies 14.1 GB on the backup media, however, 7.34 GB of the data could not be compressed. The compressible data compresses on average to about 60% saving on the original size, but this entirely depends on the type of file been backed up. Documents and spreadsheets only containing text and numbers will compress a lot, jpeg pictures, music and video do not compress.

    A mix of .doc and .xls from a files of type backup: 1190  files.

    • The backup contents database occupies 1.01 MB, there are no Folder NTFS security settings as the NTFS settings were not chosen to be backed up.
    • The size of the data to be backed up 87.2 MB occupies 35.9 MB on the backup media, a similar saving as the non-compressed files in the example above. 
  • DVD, CD and Blu-ray burning hard disk requirements:

    There are two styles of writing data to CD, DVD and Blu-ray, one uses a third party product called a Packet Writer to write data directly to disc. The other method of burning discs is disc mastering, which some users find more reliable.

    The contents of a CD, DVD or Blu-ray must be known prior to disc mastering so AISBackup must pre-stage the backup files to magnetic disk prior to burning to optical disc, the size of this disk based pre-stage area can be up to 800 MB for CD and 4.7 GB for DVD. As Blu-ray discs are large we recommend using the direct to disc method.

Application data (SQL Server / Exchange) :

AISBackup will backup SQL server and MS Exchange databases without additional add-on's, this is achieved by using the Windows built in Volume Copy Shadow Service (VSS) writers.

Windows 11 issues:

No know problems.

Windows 10 issues:

No know problems.

Windows 8 and 8.1 issues:

No know problems.

Windows 7 issues:

No know problems.

Windows Vista issues:

No known problems.

Windows XP and Server 2003 issues:

No known problems.

Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2 issues:

No known problems.

Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 issues:

No known problems.

Windows Server 2016 issues:

No known problems.

Windows 95 issues:

A new, non-updated installation of Windows 95, version 1, requires an update to the common dialog API, this is easily achieved by installing Internet Explorer 5 or higher. The update is also included in Windows 95 Service Pack 1. The same update also fixes a problem installing and using the Cue Card.

Some older CD writers may cause an error 0E in VXD APIX(03).

Windows 95 & NT4 issues:

Windows 95 and Windows NT4 do not support USB, therefore all AISBackup USB options will not work.

Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4 & 2000 (Client and Server) issues:

Using the internal DVD writer only one session can be written to a DVD-R and DVD+R (write once media). This is an operating system constraint and not a fault in AISBackup. When using the integrated disc writer we recommend using DVD RW media or any CD media. AISBackup supports Server 2000 Active Directory backup and restore.

NT4 & 2000 client and server issues:

Cannot backup opened exclusive from NTFS drives.