After I had installed build 402 over an existing AISbackup build 398, and started it, a message told me the CD / DVD had changed.
This is weird as the computer concerned does not have (and never had) a CD / DVD drive
When continuing I got a 'AISBackup did not detect a Disk Writer' window offering the options:
SKIP when the Disc Writer is a removable drive
SAVE to accept the settings
FOLDER to change the default destination
CHANGE to alter more settings
I suppose the correct option to select is SAVE, but maybe it should be indicated more clearely that this is the correct option to use if there is no (writable) Optical drive present. Or is SKIP a more appropriate option?
CD / DVD info changed, but was never there
Checking CD DVD
This option has been changed for the next release,
AISBackup was only recently made Blu-Ray 'aware' and an option was added to check for Blu-ray and HDDVD capability on upgrade.
The Blu-ray / HDDVD option is now only checked the next time a backup to optical disc is run, and no messages are displayed.
AISBackup was only recently made Blu-Ray 'aware' and an option was added to check for Blu-ray and HDDVD capability on upgrade.
The Blu-ray / HDDVD option is now only checked the next time a backup to optical disc is run, and no messages are displayed.