DVD backup question

Pre-Release and beta version of AISBackup
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DVD backup question

Post by Jeremy »


This is a continuation of my huge file backup question under version 2.2.

I have a 17 disc DVD backup that was recorded using version 2.2 and the integrated CD writing software. I recently upgraded to version 2.3 build 279 and ran the job again since there are 2 new files to backup. AISBackup asked for the last disc in my set or a blank disc. I put in the last disc which it accepted. It has 2.8 GB of free space remaining.

Next the software created 2 ZIP files (the first two in the set!) around 600 MB each in the staging directory and verified them. No more breaking the files up into 7 segments as in version 2.2. I then get a dialog stating "The backup disc appears to have been swapped. A blank disc was expected." I click OK.

I then got a dialog asking for a blank disc or one with enough space to finish the backup. Should my last disc in the set not work since it has more than double the required space?

I click OK with the last disc in the drive, but it will not be accepted. The same dialog appears again, except asking for either a blank disc or one with enough free space, but not asking for the last disc specifically by name. I can click OK over and over after that with the same result.

Is this a bug? I can obviously use another disc, but shouldn't a new session be created on my existing disc?

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Huge file changes

Post by Barry »

This is a bug caused by a fix which was supposed to detect illegal disc swaps during the backup. If you can, please wait for a fix rather than going back up version 2.2.

From version 2.3 the huge files are only used if the file has to be split over media or is > 4GB on Windows 2000, XP, 2003 or 2GB on Windows 95-ME.

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Post by Jeremy »

Ok, thanks a lot! This is not bothering me at all, the backup is more for archival than anything else. Just wanted to share. I'll give it a shot when the fix is released.

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Asking for blank disc

Post by Barry »

I cannot make this scenario go wrong, although I can see potential for AISBackup to ask for a blank disc - this 'hole' will be plugged. Please send me the job files for this job; with luck it will go wrong here too.

Is 'Last Volume' showing the correct volume name of the last disc on the job tab?

Posts: 27
Joined: Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:10 pm

Post by Jeremy »

Alright, you should be getting that soon.

Yes, the disc name that it asks for is correct.

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