Problem w/2.2

Pre-Release and beta version of AISBackup
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Problem w/2.2

Post by cyclone »

Upon installing V2.2 build 269 I attempted to run a backup. I find that it is only looking for files on my C: drive, not my D: drive. If I go to "Modify Files and Folders list" the progress bar moves a few segments, then goes away and drops me back to the main program, and "Exception: ERangeError: Range check error" appears in the log. I see the same thing on build 268 when attempting to modify the Files and Folders list, but when previewing the backup it does see and process drive D:, and as I type this seems to be backing up properly. I also see a very long startup time upon launching AIS Backup after the main screen appears (both builds), where AIS is using most of the available CPU, with it taking several minutes before I can then make any selections.

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Range check error

Post by Barry »

Please send the job files of the job where the D drive files have not been selected and the first job in the list (two separate help / bug reports).

If you set-up a job called 'A' (i.e. make a job first in the list) which only backs up a few files (e.g. Auto-select AISBackup) does AISBackup load quicker?

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AISBackup: Range Check Error

Post by Barry »

The range check error has been found where there is at least one file in the folder > 2GB. The cause was owing to a recent change to get some NAS devices working. This has been fixed in build 270 which will be released following feedback from yourself.

AISBackup could be slow to start if the first job in the list is a backup to network drive: AISBackup has been changed so that it does not check to see if the drive is available until an actual backup or restore is requested.

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Post by cyclone »

OK, the bug report was sent twice, they should be identical. When I do the bug report or registration AIS Backup reports "couldn't resolve recipient, attempting SMTP". The email does get sent, but the message from AIS Backup makes it appear it didn't; perhaps there could be positive confirmation? Thunderbird is my default mailer.

The job which isn't backing up the D: drive is the first drive on the list, so I only have one report to send. I also tried creating a new job "A" which only backs up AIS, AISBackup did load very quickly when that job was created. Upon confirming deletion of job "A" there was immediately a delay similar to the startup delay, so whatever's happening seems to have been triggered as well.

I'll load Build 270 now and see if anything changes.

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Build 270 report

Post by cyclone »

OK, build 270 didn't resolved the startup time issue, but did result in Drive D being backed up once again. I'm also now able to modify the Files and Folders list, so it appears the startup time is the only issue. I'm not aware of any network drives in the backup list, so I'd be surprised if that's the cause of the delayed startup. Note that I also see the delay upon closing the "modify files and folders" dialog, so it appears this is being triggered any time AISBackup is returning to the "default" screen with my primary job first in the list.

Thanks for your responsiveness on this issue...

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un-responsive AISBackup

Post by Barry »

I e-mailed you about this this earlier today, but it may be of interest to others:
I am not sure if version 2.2 pre 170 caused the problem but there is a huge list of exclusions in the job which is causing intensive CPU activity while they are unpacked.
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