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Second backup media set

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 6:21 pm
by kim

I would like an option with an automatic generation of an second backup set for my jobs. Running an backup job with this feature enabled would prompt for CD change after the first run of the job, this would ensure that the data is always present on two disks.

I'm doing it manualy at the moment, I have two copies of the same job and I do always run both of the jobs, would be nice to have it done automaticaly, could save time on not having to re-calculate the jobs and it would really ensure that both jobs are run.


Duplicate backups

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 11:46 am
by Barry

It is possible that a file written to one CD fails the validation test owing to a malfunction of the CD media, this would cause the file or files to be re-selected for backup next time. This may cause two or more duplicate backups to unsynchronised.

We have however enabled an option for backups to FireWire / USB drive to always load the backup contents file from the backup media itself, this enables one backup job to share full backups on backup media. This may be useful in situations where you want to maintain an offsite and onsite backup, simply changing the disk will cause he backup to ‘catch up’. The only constraint is that the backup volume name is the same for all drives.

We could enable a similar option for CD, DVD REV drives, this would mean that the last media used must be loaded at the start of each backup or restore operation, which may not be desirable. Having said that, the large capacity REV drives, and the fact that most backups will fit onto one disk/cartridge, may make the option desirable.

By the way, REV drives look like Direct to CD devices (e.g. using a packet writing system) so we have changed AISBackup 1.10 to describe a more generic ‘Direct to Disc’ facility rather than ‘CD using a Packet Writing System’.
