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Imaging a live partition

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:02 am
by mart
When an image is made of a live partition, does AISBackup ensure the image is a consistent snapshot in time, or does it just back up each file as it is encountered?

I believe acronis uses some sort of technology to ensure an image is a true snapshot, meaning you can safely continue to work while the backup is running and all hard disk writes are tracked. They don't provide much detail but this is the impression I get from their marketing material.

AISBackup on the other hand doesn't seem to do this. The help file mentions that you may get errors in the log file if files are deleted during the backup. Does this mean that to ensure consistency you really shouldn't use the computer while a backup is underway?



Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:21 am
by Barry
AISBackup backs up a file at a time for those files it has read access to, for opened exclusive files it takes a snapshot in time using Windows Volume Copy Shadow Service (VSS). This ensures that files like MS SQL Server are kept in a consistent state. Having said that I usually schedule backup jobs in the early hours of the morning when not much is happening. It is possible to schedule jobs in Vista + Windows 7 to wake a PC from standby, backup and the resume standby if leaving the PC switched on overnight is an issue.
