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Unable to restore file

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:31 am
by raycyn
I am unable to restore to my hard drive any of the 7 versions of a given file that is stored on my external hard drive used for backups. I am using ASIS build 345.
I am able to restore other files. When I attempt to restore any of the 7 versions that show up in the AIS file search, the log contains the following line:
File not on zip: H:\Backup\Data\ – [name of file to be restored]
When I open this zip file on the external drive, sure enough the file in question is not present. The same is true for all 7 version of the file. How can the old versions show up in the search when they seem to be missing.. Is this because they are also listed in the *.bdb file?
What might have caused this and is there any hope of recovering the file?
Ray Wright

File not on backup

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:43 pm
by Barry
The file is listed in the files to be restored because the file is in the .bdb file (a catalogue of all files on the backup).

I cannot understand why any of the files would not be in the zip files but listed in the .bdb let alone all 7 versions of the same file.

Is it possible that antivirus software identified the file as a virus and then removed the file from all zip files?

If the file was not in the zip file at the time of backup then the file would have been removed from the .bdb file during the test phase.

Does a version of this file still exist on your PC? If you backup the file to a new backup are you able to restore it to a new location?


Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:27 am
by raycyn
Thank you for you r prompt response to my question. I am late in responding because my internet connections went down and it has taken several days to repair and replace some equipment.
I agree that the disappearance of files from the zip files and retention I the .bdb is bizarre. In all I found at least quite a few files affected this way (all are Excel files with no unusual names). I suppose it is possible that my anti virus (Norton) may have deleted some files but usually the anti-virus log would reflect this removal and it does not. None of the files is present on the PC. I think I understand how a couple of the recent files got deleted from the PC, but not some of those that were last accessed months ago.
Based on your offline comments you suggested I run a Validate (Test) option Using Build 346. I did so and found many more files with the same problem. None of these files are present on the PC. A mystery. Fortunately, many of these were old files that I should have deleted long ago, so no loss. In additional to a daily backup, I also run a weekly backup under a different name, so I was able to recover a few of the “missing” files that were on the weekly backup.
Thanks you for your help. I am a bit better educated about using AIS Backup more effectively,

Ray Wright