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Errors When Testing Backup

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:38 pm
by InterfaithIT
I noticed that there are three options for testing a backup: Do not Test, Check file integrity, and Compare with source file. I could not find in the manual what the exact differences are between Check file integrity and Compare with source file. I was also wondering what each of them specifically do and how they are effected by opened files.

We have a file server that we tried to backup and and had a series of errors with the testing of the backup. This server is using windows server 2000 but we have installed the AISFam trial. With the fam installed it looks as though it had no problem accessing the files but when tested it was removed from the backup. There were 19 files that could not be backed up and 43 files that could not be restored when tested. Some of the files were deleted before the they could be backed up. These files are probably the 19 that could not be backed up. What could be causing the 43 files to not be able to be restored? If you need more information like the log file please let me know.

Validate / test backup options

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:43 pm
by Barry
Check file integrity: When a file is backed up a check sum is created, if the checksum of the backed up copy is not the same as the checksum created at the time of the backup the file has somehow got corrupt.

Compare with source file: AISBackup actually checks the checksum and compares the source file and backed up file, however if the file changes (because it is open and in use) the AISBackup give a warning if the checksum is okay but the file changed.

If the file changed and the checksum is different then this is an error.

The failure of some files to backup may be owing to the problem mentioned in my reply to your previous post.

Please also install version 2.7 of AISBackup as that works better with AISFAM, and if some files were already opened exclusive before AISFAM was installed then please re-boot the sever.
